Few Considerations While Purchasing A Water Dispenser

Water is an essential part of our lives. Our body itself is 70% water! And it is usually recommended by doctors, and health consultants that eight glasses of water every day in order to stay healthy. And water dispensers or water coolers a…

Water Purifier Nairobi Making Water a Safe Commodity for Everyone

The most important need of every community is access to clean water. Yet, the difficulty may arise in knowing the right processes for initiating accessible clean water. The fact is that unhygienic water can cause the spread of diseases whi…

How Clean Water Improve the Productivity of Your Employees

Access to quality drinking water in the workplace environment is often an overlooked aspect. It is estimated that 1 percent of dehydration can decrease employee productivity by as much as 12 percent. Unfortunately, a high percentage of wor…

The Importance of Minerals in Your Drinking Water

As food; minerals also play the essential role for a good health. Key minerals contribute a lot for strong teeth, bones, healthy skin and hair. They are imperative for the growth and development of our body. When pure water lands on the so…

3 Genuine Reasons Why You Should Avoid Drinking Bottled Water

At a glance, bottled water may look convenient, but when looking at the issues of bottled water from a health perspective, it becomes rather complicated. Listed here are 3 genuine reasons why you should avoid drinking bottled water at any …

How is a Reverse Osmosis Water System Better than the Bottled Water in Nairobi?

Drinking water is a smart and healthy way to stay fit! Pure and fresh water helps you stay hydrated. Bottled water may prove to be convenient way but it has plenty of downsides, which can affect your health, budget due to non-Fluorination,…

Five Benefits of Filtered Water using Aqua Vita Water Filter System

Pure drinking water is an essential element for day to day living? Pure water is available in various forms packaged and bottled. Getting Pure and clear water by installing water filter system in your office gives you a better living condi…

Purified Water a Must Need to Stay Safe in the Present World

Water is life and you cannot do anything without water. Water you use must be purified and fresh. In the current times when there is huge scarcity of pure drinking water, at the same time science and technology make it more costly. However…

Reverse Osmosis System: A Healthy Drinking Water Solution

Drinking sufficient water is no doubt a healthy decision! But, you still have so many options when it is about what kind of water you intake. Distilled? Bottled? Tap water? Natural spring water? Reverse osmosis drinking water systems offer…

Why Install a Water Purifier ?

There are countless articles, books and research publications that state the importance drinking clean and pure water. As an employer in Nairobi, you should know that employees who stay hydrated are found to be more productive and healthy.…